Thursday, February 10, 2011

Currently residing in a little camp called Spinifex in Western Australia... where the beers are midstrength and the flies are ravenous. I am working over in the mines, whereby I wash cars, shovel rocks, polish coffee cups and wear steel caps. I have been stomping along here for a few weeks now, learning the proverbial ropes to being an A-class Peggie, and so far, it's a different world, but an interesting one.

I get up each morning at 4:30am throw my high-vis attire on, Steel Blue boots and zinc and pop down to what is called the 'dry mess', whereby I pack my smoko and my lunch, hook in to the myriad of breakfast options, then head to work. Mode of transport? A bus full of all types.

I luckily get to cart a radio around with me, and as an avid listener of Triple J, I get my hit of goods and bads, highs and lows of variety.

I work with pretty cool kids.

I eat killer salad sandwiches for lunch.

I live in a little room with a single bed that, every time I roll over in my sleep, the bed rolls into the middle of my room. I pinched some cable ties from work and intend on being a handy-woman and tieing my wheels so they're no longer in motion at the thought of each movement.

It was my birthday a few days ago. Too much mid-strength was consumed, I thought death was at my door yesterday morning, I wanted to spontaneously combust, but figured I'd ride it out, at least until I get my one week off so I can spend money and go to the Chiropractor, get my crack hit.

I plan on buying a few things with my hard earned cashola, and a Mac will be one of my main purchases.

CLEARLY... not much to touch on, seeing as I do the same things every day. I am thoroughly jealous of all of the people that have been to or are going to Laneway.

Up and coming plans:

Perth with cousin Marty on the 24th for a week. Much exploring, much drinking, much shopping and discovering. Can't wait.

Work lots.

Go to Melbourne in March to highfive my missed friends and celebrate good times.

Work.. lots.

Go to the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane to cuddle my mum lots, chase my sister with bugs... teach my little brother swearwords unintentionally, love my friends, cartwheel on the beach and smile lots.

Work lots..


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