Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Adorable picture found on Deviant Art by aisegul-polaroids

  1. Dear train, Thank you for keeping me closer to my friends.
  2. Dear Liver, I am sorry for damaging you every weekend.
  3. Dear Mum, Thank you for loving me even though I am incredibly selfish and don't make my bed when I stay at your house. Thanks for giving me your memory pillow every time I stay over. Thanks for making me who I am.
  4. Dear Dad, Thanks for opening my eyes. Thanks for showing me things I'd have never seen before if you weren't you, thanks for teaching me how to cast a rod. Thanks for teaching me how to snowboard.
  5. Dear skin, Sorry I damage you so much. I really like the sun. Can we blame Australia's harsh climate for this one? Thailand is a different story all together.
  6. Dear Darcie, Thanks for showing me all of those cool dance moves and thank you for letting me wear your fairy wings and not hating me for yelling.
  7. Dear Hudson, Munnabooona babow. You know exactly what I am talking about.
  8. Dear Paris, Merci pour ma petite knowledge of French. I try. Merci pour le baguettes et la biere, et la tres jolie surroundings. Au Revoir!
  9. Dear Kati, Thanks for listening to me rant about wanting expensive clothes. Thanks for lending your pretty things to me. Thanks for introducing me to Harriet. Thanks for being my friend.
  10. Dear Nicole Moore, Thank you for absolutely everything, from Grade Ten onwards, the memories, Simply Fishee, sock-gluing, Thailand, Armidale, Penny Lane, our little escapades, our little problems, for not minding too much if I wash my face with your Chanel cleanser, for knowing everything without anyone having to tell you.
  11. Dear Wardrobe, I am just sorry. haha.
  12. Dear SJ, Thanks for hectic fun times and quiet wine times. Lady chats, all things nice, blog intentions, blood noses, Vespa all too often, being radical.
  13. Dear Vespa, Thanks for all the yummy pizza and kipfler potatoes.
  14. Dear Lacey, Thanks for doing my hair all the time and putting up with my lectures, my drunken escapades, my Norman Avenue days, my poems haha.
  15. Dear Norman Avenue, Sorry about the mess. Thanks for holding party noises in. Thanks for all the rooms, and I would just like to let you know that, although I had a good time living there, I really didn't appreciate the fact that you didn't have screens on the windows to keep the spiders out.
  16. Dear Bird Eating Spider from Kati's house, You have an identity crisis. You a a Golden Orb. You give me nightmares.
  17. Dear Ant, Thanks for helping me with the crossword.
  18. Dear Stacey, Thanks for liking me even when I can't call you due to dead phone syndrome.
  19. Dear Willow, Thank you for like.. you know.. everything. Making me laugh, listening to me whinge and MEOW for ages. Lending your dress to me, giving me cheese and beer, driving me places.
  20. Dear Ocean, why are you so big? 24 hour flights can be draining at times.
  21. Dear Ginkgo Biloba, Do you work?
  22. Dear Nic C, Thanks for being so pretty and liking me.
  23. Dear Tash and Nikki, You both smell so much and I love you regardless of the fact that you're both fat messes.
  24. Dear Steph, Thanks for being the pretty twin of me. I love your face off.
  25. Dear Gareth, Thanks for saying Aarbis, and not Ibis.
  26. Dear Arrbis, You freak me out.
  27. Dear Brad, Thanks for being a stepdad and loving me even though I am a rebel without a cause.
  28. Dear Cherry Blossoms, Thanks for making my desk pretty.

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