Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cataldo - I do

Bedwetters and drunks and strung-out junkies
Walk with me
While rain hits cars and high-school girls
With jobs in malls drive home to sleep
And I'd like to think I never dream of you
But my god, darling
I do

I've got furniture and pets
A steady job with pay
What do these things that i've accrued
From catalogs and stale showrooms
Mean anyway?
And I've heard you claim
"Don't think you could give it up due"
But my god, darling

I do..

We were burning boys and girls
With sweaty hands and sticky hair
In disarray
You pulled me close as I was skin to flesh
I crushed and count to yourself
On another day
You saw me crying there, boy you didn't have a clue
But my god, darling
I do

Years ago I said I'd never buy
A queen size bed over too many drinks
Lord knows how I got four pillows
But two of them would fit your pretty dents perfectly
And do you ever think we could take those vows anew?
Cause my god, darling...

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