Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Jessica File:

"JOHNSON! Can I have an update on the Jessica File?!"

"Sure, Constable. Here’s a copy of her latest statement" (Johnson hands statement to the Constable…Constable reads out loud, facing the audience):

"I am a lost puppy. I want a million things, but don't have any of them because I am like a kid in a candy store - so many options. Once I went to buy myself a toothbrush, and got so confused by all of the options, I walked out without one. Jessica, standing there for half an hour trying to decide which pretty toothbrush she liked the best, only to leave empty handed! This oral hygeine story much resembles my current situation with life. I, however, refuse to walk out empty handed. Things shall definitely sort themselves out.. wait.. reword - I shall definitely sort things out. I assure you (all whist assuring myself, also)".

My story shall not end there.

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