Monday, October 4, 2010

Headache Sunday Bliss

I thought there was a possibility that I was going to die alone yesterday. Morbid, eh?

I get megatron migraines sometimes, and they last like a few days, it's ass. Anyway - so I was so 'spitting chips'/cracking skulls/raging to pop a cop yesterday sporting said migraine, purely because the weather was banging, and I was sitting on my roommates bed with a pillow tied firmly around my head with nothing to watch but 'Just Friends' (one of Ryan Reynolds' worst films I have now witnessed).

Pain killers just don't work in such dire straits... so I rocked back and forth in pain, both from migraine and Reynolds' fucked facial expressions (it was almost as painful as the American Office...) until I couldn't handle the indoors anymore. I fought cabin fever, grabbed a picnic blanket and popped down to the darling park around the corner from my house. It was lovely - I just laid there in the sun and got my overdose of Vitamin D for god knows how long. Melbourne and Sun are two words I haven't heard often since living here... unless someone's discussing reading the Herald Sun in Melbourne, or similar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know this place!